Please read carefully!

This 5 hour course provides you:
1) Certified curriculum Utah, Arizona and Florida require for out-of-state concealed carry pistol permits
2) Applications for Utah and Arizona. Please download the Florida application prior to class as it gives you a personal tracking number. Click Here to download a Florida Permit and get your tracking number. Please bring your application to class.
3) All the fingerprint cards AND fingerprinting services are provided to you at class with NO additional cost.
3) Properly sized photos for Utah, Arizona and Florida applications.
4) Step-by-step assistance with all applications
At the end of this course, you will have completed applications for Utah, Arizona and Florida. At that point, all you need to do is add postage, include necessary fees, and mail them. For Florida, you must have certified live fire training to complete the application (see below).
In order to obtain your Florida permit, you MUST have one of the following LIVE-FIRE TRAININGS:
1) NRA Basic Pistol Course (or other nationally recognized live-fire certification)
2) DD-214 (military)
3) LEOSA (law-enforcement)
4) HR-218 (law-enforcement)
5) Certified live-fire training from a Nationally Recognized Instructor (contact us for information on completing this through private instruction sessions).
If you have one of the above trainings, you can download and complete your Florida application without further training.
If you do NOT have a live-fire course or live-fire training, and want a Florida permit, please join us for NRA Basic Pistol Course or contact us for information on qualifying through private training sessions. Please note, you can do all the paperwork, prints and photos for your Florida application during the course BUT will NOT be able to submit it until you have qualified live-fire training.
Cost is $125 and includes the required UT program, fingerprint cards for all 3 States, printing services by a registered technician, properly sized photos, AZ and UT applications, and safety certification.